Monday, July 31, 2006


Sometimes I dream of my mister Magic...
When will he appear in my home?
And when he's here, how should I call him? MrClean? MrProper?
I'm sure I will say 'thank you' ;-)

Watercolor with iridescent medium, so it looks realy sparkling.
I enjoyed working with the masking fluid and the medium.


Lin said...

WHAT A GREAT IDEA I have forgotten about him!! SUPER SKETCH, too!

mel said...

hahahaha, i like your concept. it reminds me of my friend who dressed up like mr. clean on halloween last year. it was just hilarious! :)

Anastasia said...

dont we all dream of one of those!!!
very cute!

Tami said...

I always hope the elves will come in in the night and clean, but Mr. Clean would work just fine! Interesting idea with the masking fluid and irridesent medium, I like the way it worked out. BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your positive comments!

Willie Baronet said...

I don't know, but whatever you call him, send him my way when you're done. I have some messes he can tend to. :-)))