Saturday, January 06, 2007

EDM 100 - Landscape (2)

EDM 100 - Landscape (2)
Originally uploaded by Sparks2005.
How I learn...I have an I idea. I jumpstart on it and try. I encounter some problems, I am not quite satisfied and then..only then I open a book. And I have this wonderful 'Rendering in pen and ink'. Should have looked at it first.

So I tried again... this one isn't so dramatic. It's softer. And I'm happy with some of the results. At the end I got realy tried, the pen cramped in my hand...and you can see it.
Need to look up how others manage to do the long strokes in one line.

This one is done with chinese ink and a small pen. Need to find out how to work with different pressure with my Safari pen. I believe it will be more confortable to work on all these details.


Anonymous said...


(And thanks for reminding me about RENDERING IN PEN AND INK - it's a favorite of mine - think I'll go get it out now...)

Anonymous said...

I like this one too - it's interesting to take the same subject and treat it in different ways. Are you going to start a sereies?

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!